Why is it hard

c: Sep 02, 2023


I initiated this blog with the intention of posting content every month. Some content, yet I never began. There were moments when I had a brilliant idea to write about, but often it seemed too generic. So, rather than penning it down, I refrained.

Disclaimer: All the observations below are purely mine. They aren’t grounded in scientific evidence or data. Consider them fictional and prompts for thought rather than factual assertions. I have used LLMs to upgrade the writing.


A significant lesson from my studies is that the human brain often creates limitations. It has ego that wants to align with societal norms and culture. As one’s ego expands, it craves more affirmation from the external world. Yet, all our constructs stem from the inner mind. There’s a distinct difference between our internal perceptions and the external reality. Our body acts as the bridge linking our inner world to the outside world. To me, these words resonate. However, to an outsider, this might sound like mere musings.

If so, why even contemplate writing it? The reason lies in appeasing the ego of the mind. The mind, in essence, is quite unpredictable with its peculiar nature. The more conscious you become of its workings, the more enriched your life becomes. For most part, it strives to keep events within its predictions. If there’s ever a disparity between its anticipation and the present, it shields itself from delving deeper. Perhaps our biology intervenes here, prompting the mind to trigger specific reactions and hormones. I’m unfamiliar with these details, nor am I keen on delving into them. I’d prefer to defer to experts.

Returning to the topic of writing, the mind seeks a standard that assures its security. If that standard isn’t met, it diverts its attention to the next task, ensuring its protection. Another influential factor here is the ego. It aspires to supersede our biological instincts, asserting itself as the controller of the mind. When the mind overlooks potential, it inadvertently bruises the ego creating a disconnect and unpleasant feelings. Normally, the ego offers self-assurance, dismisses embarrassment, and proclaims itself as the director. However, once hurt it tries to sabotage the mind.

Thus when the ego suffers, the mind acknowledges this setback and abstains from further actions. This leads to stagnation and lack of will to progress. Probably also the reason why children learn really fast. They do not have the sense of ego when it comes to learning. Or if it’s present, they’re oblivious to it, and they engage in activities they relish.

Is this a justification for subpar writing? Not at all. So, what’s the essence? It’s about cultivating consistency and surpassing personal benchmarks. Even if numerous articles exist on my chosen topic, it doesn’t deter me from crafting my narrative. The self must transcend the mind and its reflections. The self yearns to write for posterity, but the ego hinders it, believing in its recall abilities, and invariably, the mind endorses the ego over the self.