Log 13

c: Dec 12, 2023

Setting up the new mac is cumbersome. So many things need to be configured.

  1. Iterm2
  2. neovim
  3. emacs
  4. firefox
  5. chrome
  6. pycharm
  7. vscode
  8. fzf
  9. zsh
  10. python
  11. xcode

There are still a lot to go! Getting used to the apple ways of doing things. The hardware is amazing! Over the course of time, it will be even clear what this machine can do! Plan to run some diffusion based models on it and local llms!!

The most excited part is about the local llms and understanding the capabilities. It will be creativity under the constraints.

The typing experience sucks. I need extra hub to connect all those old devices. At least the whole world is now moving towards using USB-C. Also need some external HDD. This might run out of space soon. But only need them to offload the completed projects!

Exciting days ahead. Lets see where this goes!